Aland’s Portfolio
This is my github porfolio. It contains a few of my favourite projects.
This main page contains the main projects.
Project 1. Fun Data Plot
- Tool to show data in different ways.
- Features:
- Support matrices
- Support characters
- Support several data formats
- Built using Python
Project 2. Music Visualisation
For this example project I built a music visualisation.
I was able to get a chunk of samples from a spectrum estimator using the audio file as input and then I transformed this in visualisation according to the sampling rate.
- Features:
- Support for mp3 files
- It allows 3 different plotting methods
- Built in MATLAB
Project 3. Video Analysis to obtain heart pulse signal
This example shows how to use Independent Component Analysis (ICA) on a video analysis to obtain pulse signal and other measures.
- Features:
- Support for mpeg files
- Fast ICA method (reference here)
- Built in MATLAB
Project 4. Cryptocurrency mapping - Time-series modelling
This tool analyses and models cryptocurrencies time-series dynamics in order to understand potential interactions in time.
- Features:
- Support one or multiple cryptocurrencies
- Several options available in order to map values or ranges
Built in Python - Tensorflow
- Pending:
- Add sentiment time series and analysis
Project 5. Spike sorting GUI for in-vitro retina neural signals
This GUI tool allows to perform a demo of the spike sorting algorithm (based on Principal Component Analysis, PCA) on in-vitro retina neural data.
- Features:
- Support neural data from different sources
- Allows to select the number of potential neurons to seek
- Built in MATLAB
Additional Info
This porfolio was developed based on an example porfolio you can find here:
- “How to Make A Data Science Portfolio Website with Github Pages” (Ken Jee)